Periodontal Disease 101: Here's What You Need To Know

Posted on: 17 November 2015
Periodontal disease is often the result of not treating gingivitis. It causes your gums to start pulling away from your teeth and form these little pockets that end up being infected. Your body's natural immune system works hard to fight all of that bacterial as plaque begins growing and spreading deep into your gums. Over time, your body's enzymes that are working to fight off the infection actually end up breaking down your bones and all the connecting tissues that keep your teeth where they should be.
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All-Natural Approaches To Less Painful Root Canal Therapy

Posted on: 28 October 2015
You might be wondering about the possibility of less-painful root canal therapy without medications. There are some techniques that can help. You may still want to be numbed for the procedure since a root canal involves work in close approximation to the nerves in your gums and teeth, but pre- and post approaches to any pain you might feel can lessen it significantly.   All Natural Approach to Preventing Extra Pain Before Your Root Canal
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Q & A About Dental Bridges For People That Don't Prefer Dentures

Posted on: 7 October 2015
People who have one or more missing teeth may not like the idea of dentures because of the problems associated with them. Dentures can impair your ability to speak properly or eat comfortably because of their ability to slip out of place. Many denture wearers compensate for the movement of their denture by holding the appliance in place with their tongue as they speak, but this practice is uncomfortable and can slur speech.
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4 Ways To Avoid Gum Disease And Premature Tooth Loss

Posted on: 17 September 2015
Gum disease and premature tooth loss run in your family. Now you're concerned that you'll lose your teeth prematurely and require dental implants too. Before you panic, it's important for you to know that heredity doesn't guarantee you'll lose your teeth or suffer from the same dental problems. In fact, there are some simple things you can do to avoid gum disease and tooth loss. Don't Skip the Dental Visits
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