The Effects Anemia Has On Your Gums

Posted on: 23 January 2019

If your doctor has diagnosed you with anemia, then you may have experienced symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, pallor, feeling cold, and a fast heart rate. While these are some of the most common manifestations of anemia, there are other symptoms that can affect your gum tissue. Here are some ways anemia can affect your gums and what you can do about them:

Abnormal Appearance

One of the most common symptoms of anemia is pale skin. While this symptom is most noticeable on your face, it can also be noticed on your gums, and in some cases, on the lining of your cheeks. People who are anemic often lose the pink color in their gums, and because of this, their gum tissue can take on a gray or even whitish appearance. Shortly after you have undergone treatment for anemia through dietary measures or through iron supplementation, your gums will once again "pink up." 

Another oral symptom of anemia is gum inflammation. If your gums look swollen or puffy, or if your gum tissue extends significantly over the tops of your teeth, see your family dentist. He or she will examine your mouth to determine if you might be anemic, and if so, you may be referred back to your physician for further evaluation and treatment. 


In addition to color changes and inflammation of the gums, anemia can also cause bleeding gums. While this usually occurs only when brushing or flossing, anemia can cause your gums to bleed spontaneously, without any provocation.

Eating more iron-rich foods or taking an over-the-counter iron supplement may help correct anemia. In addition, consuming more vitamin C will help your body absorb more iron from dietary sources, which will also help reverse an anemic state. After your anemia has been successfully treated, your gums will stop bleeding. It is important to note, however, if your gums still bleed after anemia is resolved, you may have gingivitis, a common form of gum disease. If so, make an appointment with your family dentist for a checkup and professional cleaning. 

If you are anemic, be sure to visit your dentist and physician on a regular basis. When you see both of these healthcare professionals regularly for your anemia, you will be less like to experience complications from your condition. These may include oral hemorrhage, shortness of breath, weakness, purple pinpoint spots on your gums or lining of your cheeks, and painful gums. For more information, contact your family dentist
