3 Problems That May Occur If Your Wisdom Teeth Remain In Place

Posted on: 27 April 2016

Your wisdom teeth are the final permanent teeth in your mouth to erupt from your gums. For some people, these teeth never fully break through the gums. Still, whether a wisdom tooth is un-erupted, partially erupted or fully erupted, there may be multiple problems associated with it. Here are a few issues that may occur:

Crowding from Un-erupted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth that have not erupted and are not properly aligned with in the jawbone can cause the other teeth to shift due to the pressure that the growing wisdom tooth places on adjacent teeth. These wisdom teeth may be positioned horizontally or diagonally within the jawbone.

The pressure from the growing wisdom teeth can eventually cause other teeth to become crowded as they shift without additional spaces or gapping in which to move. In addition to the misalignment, the shifting may cause a great amount of discomfort due the pressure.

Inflammation Around a Partially Erupted Wisdom Tooth

The gums around a partially erupted wisdom tooth can become inflamed. As a result, bacteria and food may build up around the tooth, especially beneath the gums that overhang a portion of the wisdom tooth's crown. The trapped debris can cause gum inflammation. 

Debris located beneath the pocket of gums bordering a partially erupted wisdom tooth can sometimes be dislodged using an oral irrigation device. However, when a patient is unable to remove the debris due to inaccessibility from gum swelling or the positioning of the material, a visit to the dentist may be necessary. The dentist can clean the area beneath the gum, but will likely suggest a wisdom tooth extraction since the wisdom teeth are not needed to properly masticate food.

Decay from Partially and Fully Erupted Wisdom Teeth

It may seem odd that your rear molars could incite tooth decay. However, due to their positioning, many wisdom teeth are difficult to reach for proper cleaning. As the teeth become decayed, the decay can be transferred to other teeth in the mouth.

Wisdom teeth are the third molars, so they rest in the back of your mouth. They don't start to erupt until you reach your teens, so they may not cause a problem before that time.

To learn more about your wisdom teeth and some of the problems that can occur because of them, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your area. If your wisdom teeth are still in place, he or she may suggest an extraction.

Contact an office such as DSW Dental for more information.
